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FIT Bodywrap

Burn 1,200 to 1,400 calories in just one 60-minute session for $55

See how affordable beauty can be!
With the FIT Bodywrap, you can burn 1,200 to 1,400 calories in just ONE session! That more calories in 60 minutes than you would burn running in a marathon... all while watching TV, reading a book, or even taking a nap.  Join the thousands of loyal customers who have already experienced the superior results. Benefits include:
  • Smoothed away cellulite
  • Faster metabolism
  • Body detoxification of chemicals and impurities
  • Skin tone and elasticity improvement
  • Reduced pain and stress
Claims of fat loss and treatments for cellulite are everywhere.  A FIT Bodywrap is different. There’s actual science behind our system, and it works! That’s why we offer our guarantee. We’ve seen the results. What are you waiting for? Get fit with FIT Bodywraps.

How it works
A FIT Bodywrap is a dual-action system. The first action is caused by the far infrared heat of the FIT Bodywrap. This heat does not make fat leave your body. Instead, the heat from a FIT Bodywrap actually breaks stored fat down and converts it into fatty acids that are used by your muscles for energy. As the FIT Bodywrap heats your body, you begin to sweat to cool down. This sweat is fueled by the energy from the converted fatty acids. The second gut-busting action is caused by the proprietary FIT Booster mineral spray that you apply before you start your wrap. This special spray creates a barrier on your skin so that your body has to work harder than it normally would (meaning you will burn even more calories) to produce sweat. FIT Booster was designed to work with the FIT Coat that client’s wear during their FIT Bodywrap session. This coat works in conjunction with the mineral spray to create another barrier that enhances the effects of both the FIT Booster and the far infrared heat itself.

Most people don’t sweat enough
Sweat not only cools your body, but it acts as a garbage collector. Antiperspirants, artificial environments, smog, synthetic clothing, and a relatively idle physical lifestyle will clog skin pores and inhibit the healthy flow of sweat. As you will learn, sweat can reverse all of these detrimental side effects! When you’re hot, as you would be in a sauna, heat-sensitive nerve endings produce acetylcholine, a chemical that tells the 2.3 million sweat glands embedded in your skin to react. During a 15-minute sauna, your body will produce about 2 pints of sweat. Most people have a normal sweat rate for an entire day of about 1 or 2 pints. During a FIT Bodywrap you’ll actually sweat more than being in a sauna for 15 minutes.

Sweating is good for you
Relaxing in a FIT Bodywrap could be the most vigorous activity you’ve had all day! The heat produces an artificial “fever” and every organ of your body jumps into action. While you look and feel relaxed, your inner organs are as active as though you were jogging or swimming. At the same time, your body is being cleansed from the inside out by your skin, which is busy sweating to get rid of all that waste. Ninety-nine percent of what sweat leaves on the surface of your skin is water. The remaining one percent is that undesirable waste. Sweating is such an effective de-toxifier that that it even draws out lactic acid which causes stiff muscles and contributes to general fatigue. Sweat also flushes out toxic metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and mercury, which your body absorbs in polluted environments. Sweating can remove the daily build up of heavy metals from your body that would normally take your kidneys 24 hours or more to eliminate.

Fit Booster Sp​r​ay

• Create a barrier on the skin to increase sweat production
• Break down fat and fights accumulation of new fat & cellulite​
• Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Leave skin soft and hydrated

F​IT Bodywrap ​Waiver

Please review fill out the FIT Bodywrap waiverIf any of the listed medical conditions apply, we will need a doctors approval signed on this waiver before you are allowed to use this service. You can download and print this waiver or request one from a Wellness Associate. All clients must be at least 18 years old.

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